
I released Emacs 23.2 excluded cedet version (emacs 23.2 + cedet 1.0 + emacs-w3m).

The latest version of GNU Emacs 23.2 has been released in May 2010. This version has CEDET inside. But there are some problems.

CEDET 1.0 that released in Aug 2010 conflicts CEDET on emacs. The latest stable version emacs-w3m 1.4.4 does not work on emacs 23.2.

Thus, I excluded cedet from the original version of emacs 23.2. And I was merge emacs-w3m with the latest CVS HEAD. I will manage the source code on my repository. Complete source code is as follows.

emacs-w3m (merged with CVS HEAD, available on emacs 23.2)


dot_emacs (include cedet)


The installation using the following script.

./Install_myemacs.sh $HOME/local/emacs nosudo

If you do not have root privileges, you must specify home directory prefix and nosudo option.

#  $1 = prefix
#  $2 = not use sudo

setup_environment() {
    test -n "$2" || SUDO=sudo
    test -n "$2" && SUDO=

gitpull() {
    echo "Pulling $1 $3"
    if [ -d $HOME/local/$1/$3 ]; then
        cd $HOME/local/$1/$3
        git pull
        cd $HOME/local/$1
        git clone git://github.com/$2/$3.git
    test -L $HOME/$3 && rm $HOME/$3
    ln -fs $HOME/local/$1/$3 $HOME/$3

gitpull_all() {
    test -d $HOME/local/github || mkdir -p $HOME/local/github
    gitpull github id774-2 emacs
    gitpull github id774-2 emacs-w3m

make_and_install() {
    test -n "$1" || ./configure --without-x --prefix=$HOME/local/emacs/$EMACS_VERSION
    test -n "$1" && ./configure --without-x --prefix=$1
    $SUDO make install

install_emacs() {
    test -d $HOME/local/github/emacs || exit 1
    cd $HOME/local/github/emacs
    make_and_install $*

make_and_install_emacsw3m() {
    test -n "$1" || ./configure --with-emacs=$HOME/local/emacs/$EMACS_VERSION/bin/emacs
    test -n "$1" && ./configure --with-emacs=$1/bin/emacs
    $SUDO make install

install_emacs_w3m() {
    test -d $HOME/local/github/emacs-w3m || exit 1
    cd $HOME/local/github/emacs-w3m
    make_and_install_emacsw3m $*

main() {
    setup_environment $*
    install_emacs $*
    install_emacs_w3m $*

ping -c 1 -i 3 google.com > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1
main $*

Take advantage of your dot_emacs (of course that includes CEDET). Byte compiling will make elisp load faster. The w3m that emacs-w3m depends on is required. Install w3m using your package management system.